Thursday 7 October 2010

... and we're off! (part 2)

Sarah was not at all keen to start a new term as she very much enjoyed doing 'nothing' which seemed to involve reading piles of books and listening to music. Once we got underway she blossomed into the bright engaged child that we know and love. For Sarah the 3Rs are a trial, not because its too hard but that they take time away from the more creative side of learning. In maths she is using 'Life of Fred ' curriculum which teaches maths through the life story of a 5 year old maths teacher and does not contain pages and pages of problems so has lessened the maths drama a little. She continues to write enormous amounts of fiction and is currently working on a piece for the Usborne Young Writers Competition. Her main lesson block has been on the Age of Exploration and she has engaged better than I expected as she did threaten to revolt if we ever read about Columbus again – thankfully he only put in a brief appearance .We had intended to begin her second block 'Astronomy' but she has felt so awful this past week that we didn't get much done at all.

Bill is still living life at a hundred miles an hour. He goes to playgroup three mornings a week and really enjoys his time there. He rarely tells what they've been doing but judging by the amount of glue and paint he wears home they must be doing plenty of crafting . He is such a outdoor boy that he spends much of his time in the playgroup garden and in ours.When not out doors he can be found playing with his playmobil ark and camper van. In September we celebrated, with much ice-cream, his 'forever family day' - the day he came to be with us, his forever family. Other things we've done this month included going to the wedding of a dear friend we couldn't be more pleased for him. This was also the month of our church weekend away which the whole family thoroughly enjoyed and could make a whole post on its own. We made Dragon Bread for the first in honour of Michaelmas – I think they did a terrific job although Sarah's did look like a very cute guinea pig pretending to be a dragon.

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