Sunday 3 October 2010

... and we're off! (part 1)

I can't believe we are now in October; September seems to have flown by and I haven't got round to my second post. I think I'll just jump straight into what we've been up to in our little hole here in the shire. September is the start of more structured learning for us ( children learn all the time don't you know) and all went swimmingly for about 2.5 weeks with the owlets being enthusiastic little superstars. Then the Great British Cold virus struck and we've all felt pretty rotten for almost a fortnight.

Percy is doing well with the basics (3Rs and all that) and I won't bore you with details of maths and grammar lessons. His first main lesson block has been on building and practical projects which he has enjoyed very much, what 9 year old boy wouldn't love setting up a workshop and being let loose with saw and hammer? We started by clearing out the top shed and making it into a workshop for carpentry projects (may double as a chemistry lab for Sarah latter in the year but Percy is guarding it with his life at moment – it's become his cave). He spent some time practicing with the new tools and constructed a toolbox. He is now planning on making a tug boat and a pair of stilts over the coming months so more on that later. We also began building a model house with cutest wee bricks but lack of time and illness have made it a work in progress.We will be continuing in this constructing vein over the year. His second block is on the practical aspects of maths and our focus this week has been on linear measurement. We have discussed how you can measure with any unit as long as it's consistent and Percy decided to measure himself in Wowies (his cuddly dog that's been with him since birth) and discovered he is 3 wowies and 1 wowie leg tall. We did also use the more conventional metric and imperial measures!

Brevity is not my gift, so Sarah and Bill will appear later this week!

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